Our Hotels

Yixing Hotels & Preference
Hotel & Preference Brand was created in 2000 and now it has over 160 distinguished brand hotels all around the world. Whatever the elegant golf, professional SPA, or exquisite food, we never disappoint our guests. Our hotels spread all over the world and always offers extraordinary service. Our offices around the world provide strong support for our partners. Through our efforts, our brand has ranked among the world’s top hotels.In 2012, Hotel & Preference came to China.
Whatever the elegant golf, professional SPA, or exquisite food, we never disappoint our guests. We grow up together with these traditional, elegant and independent hotels and help its member hotels to maintain and improve their brand images and market standings through multichannel marketing, sales and public relation skills.
Our target is to develop customer relationship with leisure and entertainment clients, company clients and conference and banquet clients. Meanwhile, we rely on 7 sales office all over the world, 3 high-quality professional websites and exclusive GDSIW Code of global distribution system to improve hotel’s visibility in international market and increase hotel’s sales.

WEI Retreat Tianmu Lake
WEI天目湖酒店位于江苏省溧阳市,坐落于天目湖畔的明珠半岛之上,是中国新兴奢华酒店品牌 WEI旗下的首家高端度假酒店,用极简主义重新定义当代精神的奢华理念,简洁的线条, 注重细节的同时,又透露着东方文化特有的优雅精致之美,这里到位捕捉了古老东方文化中的平和、宁静以及静谧——减去繁杂,回 归纯净心灵。在秀美的自然风光中,这一新中式风格建筑和湖畔景区就如一幅水墨山水画,将东方优雅完美诠释。酒店拥有35间客房,配套设施有有御味轩-中餐厅、TASTE全日餐厅-西餐厅、天目LOUNGE-大堂吧、 户外泳池、五行水疗、星空影音室、健体中心 和会议设施,酒店还有自己的停机坪并且开通了上海到天目湖的飞行航线,一个小时左右即可到达